Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Suicide bombers and the value of life

1,037 innocent people were blown up by fellow Muslims in Pakistan in 2009. Where are the cries of "butchers"?

Last week's Lakki Marwat suicide bombing in north-west Pakistan claimed the lives of 105 people who had gathered to watch a volleyball game.

2009 had already ended with a total of 1,037 innocent civilians murdered by Islamist suicide bombers in Pakistan alone. In December, nine civilian lives every day were lost on average to explosions carried out in the name of jihad- remember we are only taking into account civilian victims.

The bloody trend is obviously on the rise. Hardly a single day goes by without news of a crowded event where dozens of innocent people are blown up by a fellow Muslim. In 2008 the total number had stopped at 889.

We already knew that, to certain people like Anjem Choudary or the axeman who the other day tried to murder Danish cartoonist Kurt Westegaard, a kuffar's life is infinitely less important than that of a Muslim.

But when thousands of "believers" are so casually butchered by someone sharing the same religion, then why don't the zealots take notice? Do those lives suddenly lose their value if mangled by a fellow Muslim? How exactly does it work?

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