Saturday, June 07, 2008

This week's news round-up

By Johnny Taronja

After 18 months, Senator Barack Obama is the Democrats' official candidate for the White House. We just hope that Hillary Clinton's infuriating stubborness won't wreck his chances. The fact alone that John McCain is in with a chance after 8 years of Republican-sponsored wreckage is indication of the havoc wreaked by the Democrats' internecine fight.

In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi's government passed a White Paper that defines prostitutes as "a danger to morality and security". Oh the irony.

A leak at a nuclear plant in Slovenia during the week was the painful reminder -this time, luckily, just a reminder - that no, nuclear cannot become the only inevitable source of energy.


The death of Bo Diddley. A legendary inspiration to hundreds of rock bands, the guitarist from Chicago ensured that the Stones, the Clash or Led Zeppelin became who they were.


It really looks like Cristiano Ronaldo is going to leave Man Utd. What he can possibly do with £150,000 (after tax) is everybody's guess. A big house once a fortnight may get boring after a while!

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