Friday, May 29, 2009

It makes you a man

A woman will be in care for the rest of her life because two manly pricks had to express their 'addiction to speed' on an urban road.

The two nutters who were playing Fast and the Furious in Rochdale, in the real world, were obviously too self-absorbed to realise their behaviour is the equivalent of walking down the street machine-gunning the air at random. Sure enough, biker Lee Unwin and Joel Wharmby, who were driving a turbo-charged 170mph sports car, crashed into a Renault Clio.

The racers, unfortunately, emerged with minor bruises only. The three women inside the Clio, however, ended up severely injured. One of them was left brain-damaged and will need care for the rest of her life.

And the sentence? A maximum of two years - but they could be out in less than one.

It's also quite a picture to see the Sun pouring disgust over the 'drag racers'' behaviour. Last time I checked Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson, the champions of cars that "accelerate so hard 'your eyeballs are fastened to the back of your skull'", was one of their regular columnists.

These people really believe that speed makes you a man or, more, that it's a human right.

Every day, 8 people die on British roads. According to road safety charity Brake, in 2007 (the latest year for which statistics are available), 2,946 people were killed on Britain's roads and a further 27,774 people were seriously injured in road crashes. "If the same number of people were killed in air crashes - a jumbo jet every fortnight - there would be a national outcry".

1 comment:

Patrick Gray said...

Clarkson the bully last year admitted in an interview to have driven at 186mph on a public road. And did the BBC sack him? Of course not. And then Gaunty & c. go on about how "left wing" the BBC is...

Clarkson has been calling for the increase or actual abolition of speed limits.

I suppose he feels proud that, in his love of speed, he's in the company of road killers like those two mentioned in the article.